EAST BRIDGEWATER — The Town of East Bridgewater announces vacancies for the Town’s Finance Committee.
Currently, the East Bridgewater Finance Committee has three vacancies on its seven-member committee. The purpose of the Finance Committee is to make recommendations to Town Meeting on the annual Town budget and all articles that require an appropriation.
The Finance Committee reviews each department’s budget in detail and holds hearings on Town Meeting appropriation articles. In conjunction with the Town Administrator, the Finance Committee integrates revenue and expense projections to present a balanced budget to Town Meeting.
The Finance Committee also votes on funding requests from the Reserve Fund and approves line-item transfers within a department or between two departments.
Meetings are held at Town Hall, usually on a monthly schedule, but more frequently in the months before the Annual Town Meeting in May.
Residents interested in serving on the East Bridgewater Finance Committee can visit the Town’s website, complete the Application for Appointment, and email the application to Rebecca Johnson at rjohnson@eastbridgewaterma.gov. Applications may also be delivered to the East Bridgewater Board of Selectmen’s office at Town Hall, located at 175 Central St., East Bridgewater, MA 02333.