EAST BRIDGEWATER — The Town of East Bridgewater, along with the Towns of Abington, Easton and Stoughton, will be collaborating with residents and stakeholders on an update of the Towns’ Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP).
This effort relies on stakeholder and public input to develop strategies that will be most effective in each town to mitigate natural hazards, reduce vulnerability and adapt to the changing climate.
The results of the planning process will inform future spending on natural hazard mitigation, risk reduction and climate resilience.
As part of a public outreach process, residents are asked to complete an online survey, which can be found here. This survey is one opportunity for residents to have their voice heard about why natural hazard mitigation and climate change adaptation matter, what actions are being taken to reduce personal risk, and what the Towns should do to mitigate risk and reduce vulnerability to natural hazards and the impacts of climate change. The survey will be open through December 31, 2022.
Following tabulation of the survey results, a public workshop will be held (time and date to be determined). The public workshop will focus on a review of the project team’s preliminary recommendations for hazard mitigation strategies.
Survey information and workshop details will be posted to the project webpage, which can be found here.
For more information, contact East Bridgewater Town Administrator Charlie Seelig at 508-378-1601 or cseelig@eastbridgewaterma.gov.