EAST BRIDGEWATER — Town Administrator Charles Seelig and the Town of East Bridgewater invite residents to attend upcoming Selectboard meetings to offer comments, concerns or questions on a heavy truck exclusion proposal.
The Town is reviewing a proposal to exclude heavy commercial vehicles from traveling on East Street and Hayward Street in East Bridgewater, and High Street in Bridgewater.
An earlier version of the exclusion proposal designated Route 18 in East Bridgewater and Bridgewater, Spring Street in Bridgewater and Route 104 in Bridgewater as the alternate route. Further evaluation determined that the truck traffic would instead use Route 106 (Whitman Street and Plymouth Street).
The East Bridgewater Selectboard is interested in hearing from residents and other stakeholders about the proposed truck exclusion and the route that truck traffic will likely take if the exclusion is approved. The central consideration is whether it is better for East Bridgewater if the truck traffic continues to use East Street and Hayward Street, or if it should be diverted to Route 106 (Whitman Street and Plymouth Street).
The East Bridgewater Selectboard and representatives from Bridgewater will meet about the proposed exclusion at the Selectboard meeting on Monday, Nov. 27 at 6:45 p.m. in the Selectboard’s conference room at East Bridgewater Town Hall.
Anyone is welcome to share comments, questions or concerns at the Selectboard meetings on Monday, Nov. 13 at 6:30 p.m. or Monday, Nov. 27 at 6:30 p.m. Anyone who wishes to share a comment on the proposal can also contact the Selectboard’s Office at 508-378-1601 or email Town Administrator Seelig at cseelig@eastbridgewaterma.gov by Nov. 27 at 6:30 p.m.
To view a presentation about the proposal, click here.